R. Buckminster Fuller – Abundance for Everyone

The visionary autodidactic designer “Bucky” Fuller believed that our planet can easily provide more than enough nutritious food, clean water, and affordable housing for absolutely everyone.

Indeed, with continuing advances in food production and other technology, this seems truer now than ever. But, as when Bucky was alive, the “us versus them” mentality is still preventing those in need from joining the rest of us in relative luxury.

After all, think of the conveniences taken for granted by the vast majority of (for example) U.S. citizens – large color televisions with clear, cable-delivered programming; home computers with internet access; automobiles with anti-lock braking and traction control. None of these things were available to even the world’s richest people a mere fifty years ago, yet they’re commonplace today.

However, huge numbers of people are still living in the worst imaginable conditions, not just in the less-developed countries, but in many parts of the U.S. as well. Indeed, some of today’s urban poor may have more difficult lives than their rural forbears did in the past.

Bucky Fuller espoused housing technologies (which we'll discuss here) that took advantage of the benefits of spreading people out. He also designed improved cities for those who chose to stay in urban environments. And although he is now gone, his work is being continued by legions of enthusiastic followers.


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