
Hopefully this overview has been of some use to you in deciding on ways you can improve your own life without damaging the future prospects of humanity and the other forms of life on Earth. As we have seen, there is no longer any need for human beings to subjugate nature for their own perceived benefit.

We can have it all, or at least everything that’s really important – comfort, the enjoyment of both technology and nature, and a clean, healthy environment for ourselves, our progeny and the non-human life forms with which we share our planet. And if enough individuals and enterprises make even gradual moves towards these ends, an overpowering trend will develop. That trend can lead us to a sustainable, guilt-free future in which human technology progresses as has most life on Earth over the millennia, in tune with the rhythms and workings of Gaia as a whole.

It can be done, and of course, it MUST. You and I can help get it started, and by reading this, you’ve already begun. Good luck.

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